New Year, New Decade, new design trends. Yes, 2020 is shaping up to be the year for change in more ways than one. Which includes how we decorate our homes. In fact, 2020 is looking to have the biggest dramatic shift in home decor since the industrial design made an appearance.
And so, here are eight design trends that are going to shake interior design in our homes in 2020.
Return to Comfort
One of the biggest trends in 2020 will be a return to comfort when styling our homes. This means that once again we can indulge in rich blankets, allow fabrics to take center stage and give ourselves back the comfort previous design trends may have stowed away.
This also means that we can return to having thick, indulgent, rugs and other such warming interior design choices.

Minimalism is a style trend which has been very popular over the last few years. You will likely have heard about the benefits of a minimalist house; including benefits to your so-called mental well-being. However, in 2020 there is a wave of home designers who wish to combat this design trend.
More-alism isn’t quite a catchy way to phrase it, but the principle is obvious. Rather than less, the object is to include more in a space. A simple example of this is rather than one painting on a wall, it is a wall full to the brim with paintings and art.
The more, the better for this particular decoration style. So if you naturally like clutter or having a busy style of decoration, this is the trend for you!

Floral Walls
Floral wallpaper is reminiscent of a by-gone era. With William Morris designs more likely to be found in a museum than on the wall of a home, other than your grandmother’s walls perhaps. However, that will all shift in 2020.
Once again, floral wallpaper will begin to see itself bloom across walls throughout the world with the latest wallpaper trends. And thanks to the decline in the feature wall, this will mean full rooms of floral wallpaper which are rich and indulgent. The patterns will certainly be a touch more simplistic than the classic Morris design. But, they will bring that classic design and natural touch to interior design once more.

A growing trend for many years, 2020 will see the culmination in popularity for geometric patterns. Easy to implement, you can find geometric patterns across different furniture and other pieces throughout the home. For example, you can find geometric patterns on dishware, bedding, art, floor, lighting and across different wallpaper styles.
So, you can include geometric design in a number of different ways across your home. Simply choose the design choice which suits you best.

Classic, crushed velvet furniture isn’t always everyone’s cup of tea. But, it will be a big trend in 2020 and so is certainly something to look out for. Why? Because it is both a luxury product and adds much-needed comfort to a space. Which in modern design can be extremely important. As it’s all well and good having an industrial design in your living space, but not if it’s uncomfortable to actually exist in said space.
With this growing trend, choice of colors and furniture pieces will grow in 2020. But, you can get your hands on some luxurious velvet pieces now to be ahead of the curve.

Antique Paintings
Vintage has been a rising trend for several years now, which will spread even further moving into the new decade. Not only will home decor sport vintage furniture pieces, but people’s interest will turn to antique art pieces as well.
This means pieces that are more realistic, have a certain classic aesthetic and stand out against an otherwise modern landscape. People especially love pieces which have a story to them, so this will be important to ascertain when choosing any piece. The bigger the story, the more depth the antique will have.
Of course, some people could turn this into a hobby. As spotting antique paintings can be quite a fun past time in itself. And profitable if you find a worthwhile piece, one that someone else may have overlooked and sold on for less money than its worth.

Earth accents
Colors and textures are very important in home design. And in 2020, many of these will be employed in trying to mimic natural elements such as wood, foliage and natural rockiness. Rich greens, browns and beige-type colors will be brought together to mimic the natural world as much as possible. Creating a light, natural, space that can help the individual unwind after stressful days.

Neutral Color Schemes
Forget the bright, vibrant, colors that have overtaken design in the past few years. Now, in 2020, people will be looking to strip back these more in-your-face colors for a much more neutral appearance. This will be done in order to reduce the busy nature of other design elements. For example, a geometric-heavy room needs a neutral base in order to work properly. As otherwise it can be too overwhelming and distracting to actually sit in.
White, beige, and other colors with cooler undertones all work as a neutral palette when decorating. Something which can support and enhance your other design choices. Not necessarily boring, simply a base coat for the more exciting elements of home design.

Bonus Trend
Our final (bonus) design trend for 2020 is that of canopy beds. Yes, once a luxury for the aristocratic class, 2020 will see this form of bed return to popularity. And likely make it wider used than ever before.
Make no mistake, this is not the canopy bed that your great-grandparents could be found in. Gone are the heavy drapes and dusty appearance. Instead, modern frames made of metal and similar will be the main design element for these beds in this decade.
And there you have it, the eight (plus one) trends that will be so important in 2020! Will you be exploring some of these trends in your own home or are you already looking ahead to 2021 instead? Whatever the case may be, there are plenty of different trends to choose from. Your home could be anything and more in 2020, so start planning today!