While you are redecorating your house, you have so many options. Some of them are easy to decide and accomplish. However, some can be very hard. When it comes to your kid’s room, ideas are not always the easiest. Here at Kudos House, we try to make the tasks that are hard to accomplish, easy.

Childrens’ bedrooms are a notoriously tricky room to plan and decorate. The main reason for this is that kids are far from being minimalists. They have a pile of toys and a plethora of clothes. The tricky balance has to come between room to play, keeping the place tidy, and of course, storage.
But in reality, they are only the adult’s thoughts. A child wants their room to look like a child’s room too! They want it to be a space that they can escape reality for a while with their friends, or study in style.
This article is going to focus on everything from decor to storage, so make sure you read to the end. First of all, we are going to take a look at what is probably an essential aspect of any room, and even more so of a child’s bedroom.
Kids Room Storage Ideas
Storage for the kid’s room is THE most crucial part of planning. If you do not get the storage right, you are going to struggle for everything to follow. You should be ready and willing to put some time and effort into planning the room, but with our help, we hope that you should find this step much more manageable.
The majority of the time, children get small or oddly shaped bedrooms in the house. These are also the rooms that are the easiest to become cluttered and cramped. Let’s start to take a look through what you can do with storage to make the room easier for the adults, and comfortable for the children.
Kids Storage Beds
No matter how important storage is, beds are more important. If there is nowhere for your little one to sleep, it is just a storage room. That is where a kids storage bed can be one of the handiest, simple, and crucial elements to creating a brilliant living for your children. Whether you need a bed for one or two children, there are a lot of options that can be perfect for storage and sleep.
Probably the best solution to the age-old problem is a loft storage bed. These beds are the best idea due to the fact they are available in as many configurations as you can imagine. Take a look at some of the features that you have included in this type of bed.
- Drawers
- Cupboards
- Shelves
- Desks
- Secondary beds
- Pull out third beds
- Drawers in the staircase
- Empty space
- Playhouse
I feel like these are such a necessity that, if you can afford one, and it will fit in their room, they really should have one.
Kids Room Organization Ideas
If I had to sum up kids rooms organization into one idea, even one word, it would be “shelves.” You can use shelves anywhere, as below.
- Corner shelves
- Full wall shelves
- Inside cupboards
- TV unit shelves
- Above bed shelves
There is nowhere in a room that you can not get shelves to fit. However, once you have them, then what do you do with them? Well, you can either put stuff directly onto them or, if you have boxed shelves, you can use storage boxes inside them.
However, there are some things that almost all children have, that needs something different:
Alternatives to Shelves for Storage
Stuffed toys. One ingenious substitute to shelves for storage that I have came across while writing this article, and something that I am seriously considering making for my children is a stand-up stuffed toy holder.
Source: Amazinginteriordesign
This idea is so fantastic. I could almost write the rest of this whole section just about how much I like it. But don’t worry, I won’t. (However, please realize that I really like it.) While we are on the subject of stuffed toys, the other idea that I have found super useful is corner hammocks. These have a real advantage over the stand-up style above. They take up zero floor space.
The other benefit that I have found with them is that they can go into corners even if there is a window right up to the edge. Hammocks do need one of two things though. Either a wooden window frame that you can screw a hook into or a space of wall above the window for the same hook.
So, you have enough space for things that can go on shelves and enough stuffed toy storage. What is the next and possibly hardest thing to store? Have you thought? What about Lego? In my house, Lego is something that my children need to use daily.
Along with other small items, Lego is one of the harder things to store. This takes us onto our next section.
Storage for Small Items
You have got this far through the article, and you now have a storage bed, a trillion shelves, hammocks, and a stand-up toy holder. But you are sat with boxes of small things that, if you put onto the shelves, will inevitably get pulled off and trash the room again. Or worse, you will stand on them. Have you ever felt something more painful than standing on a Lego brick barefoot? I thought not.
I will imagine that the first thing that you think of now is more drawers. What if you are all out of floor space? Likewise, you don’t want to teach your kids that putting lego into their sock drawer is a good idea. (I use Lego as an example a lot because it relates to me. A Lot.) Anyway, what do you do with the building blocks? The toy cars? The Barbie dolls and their clothes? Not forgetting the overflow of other small toys that have no home. Let’s have a look.
- Bebe style shelves
- Hanging headband holder
- Curtain rail on the wall with hooks for necklaces etc
- Wall mounted baskets/buckets
- Stackable storage
- Magazine racks
- Stand-up shoe rack
- Travel bags attached to the wall/door
There are so many things that you can store in the items above that if after reading this far, you have still got toys that you are struggling to get storage for, let us know and we will help you find something.
Kids Room Paint Ideas
Kids rooms usually require different paint ideas than the usual living rooms. There are numerous ways that you can use paint to spark the interest of a little one. The biggest bonus that you can gain with color is individuality. My children, as do many, like lots of colors.
But if I was asked to paint their rooms in only their favorite color, I am not sure how I would feel about a completely dark red or alien green bedroom for a week until they decided that they don’t like that color anymore! However, you can customize and change a room with nothing more than tester pots.
It is not only the color of a room that you can change a place with. There are different types, too.
- Chalkboard paint – Above a desk is ideal for allowing creative minds to flow.
- Magnetic paint – Anywhere you like. Use fridge magnets, letters, picture magnets, etc.
- Glow in the dark – Create glow in the dark moon and stars on the ceiling or walls.
- Glitter or confetti – Topcoats with added extras really change a room.
Painted Furniture for Kids
Kids furniture can become tatty quite quickly. If this happens, then why not use some of the paint that you have got to give it an update? We have created an article on refinishing wooden furniture, and a child’s room is no different. You can create some of the best kids room ideas with just painted furniture.
Although, depending on how artistic you are, you can make significant differences yourself. You can opt for anything from single color drawers to entirely character themed bedrooms. I have thought up a couple of ideas that you use or adapt.
- Solid color furniture
- shaded drawers
- Simple character themed furniture with decals
- Patriotic hand painting
- Completely custom bedrooms
- Easy characters
The ceiling, or your imagination, is the limit. Using these ideas along with painted walls and mural stickers means that, above all, you can create a truly unique bedroom with any combination that you like. Do you want a complete Dinsey theme? Or Avengers? Or just a mix of anything an everything? You could even use half and half if you have children sharing a room.
Kids Room Curtains Ideas
Curtains for the kid’s rooms are probably the last idea that you need now. I think I have covered everything except the floor. Perhaps that will be a separate article as there are so many different ideas that you can choose. The first thing that you need to consider is, obviously, the age and gender of the child or children. Curtains that are appropriate for a two-year-old might not work for a five-year-old or an adolescent.
Young children love bright colors and bold patterns. Slightly older children may prefer cartoon characters, and teenagers, it is best to ask them to give you ideas for their rooms in general, including the curtains. The same goes for gender, as boys and girls tend to have very different tastes.
Try to stay away from dark shades and themes for curtains in your child’s room as they can give a gloomy appearance. Try to choose shades that work well in the daytime as well as in the evenings. I would recommend that you select shades that are bright and appealing.
DIY Curtains for Kids
You can always get more creative with plain curtains by adding decorations to them yourself. There are many options that you have for decorating curtains. Not only does this provide a brilliant way to change their room to their taste, but it is also often much cheaper and more fun to do. Just remember to keep in mind the age of the children and if they are likely to be able, or inclined, to remove the decorations.
A couple of ideas that you have are below.
- Iron on stickers – Iron on stickers and patches can be a great way to easily customize the most boring curtains with whatever suits the child.
- Pom-Pom edging – These types of curtains can be super expensive to buy straight from a store. However, you can make them at a fraction of the price. Just ensure that you can stop the children from taking them off!
- Tie-dye – The classic look. This activity can be a day of fun for you and the kids. Furthermore, it will be a day that they will remember every time that they are in their room.
- Handmade drawings – Does your child have an artistic streak? Or do you? Then you should undoubtedly grab yourself some Sharpie pens and scribble on some plain white curtains. It can be messages, pictures, or even games like tic tac toe.
Although the kids’ rooms may seem like the hardest to decorate, they are often the most fun. There are so many things that you can do with them. You can bring out the inner child in yourself and do things that you only dreamed about when you were younger. All while being the adult that makes the decisions.
You can find other great ideas in our dedicated category for Kids Rooms.
From storage to spangle, now is a better time than any to get your creative mind going and make their room into the den that you wanted. I remember when I was a child, it was hard to get hold of chalkboard paint. Now that and many, many others are available at your local stores. It is even a simple task to get second-hand furniture from selling sites so that you can revamp them without the pressure of the children losing the thing they need.
Finally, remember, get creative and get in touch. If you have any other good ideas, let us know. Perhaps we will show them on here, or even use them in our own houses!